Interviewing skills and building therapeutic relationships

Understanding interviewing skills and building a therapeutic relationship when it comes to being a therapeutic recreation officer can be vital when it comes to meeting the client for the first time. An interview is a conversation however its main reasoning behind it is for a purpose (Islam 2012). There can be different types of interviews such as, structured, semi-structured and un-structured interviews. For my future endeavours as being a therapeutic recreations officer building a therapeutic relationship is key to benefiting the client. By something as simple as a smile can already impact on a professional relationship with the client as well as listening attentively, probing, paraphrasing, validating, and reflecting will help me build a solid foundation when getting to know the client. Sensitive questioning can also be a key factor when it comes to building a relationship as it could damage the foundation of the professional relationship within the interview according to Galletta (2013) which could leave the client being distressed as the issue you have brought up might be confronting, which will see you not being ethical in the approach you care taking.


Figure 4. Retrieved from